
Every R.C.C. structure can be divided into two parts:

         i) Portion which is above the ground, called super structure.
        ii) Portion below the ground level, called sub-structure or foundation.

The purpose of foundation in a structure is as follows:

         i) To safely transmit the loads and moments from the super-structure to the soil, so that the pressure on the soil dose not exceed bearing capacity at any point.
        ii) To ensure safety with respect to permissible settlement, tilting in one direction, overturning, uplift pressure etc.

Classification of Foundation:-

        Different types of foundations are provided depending upon the type of structure, distribution of load, type and capacity of sub-soil, presence and level of water-table etc. Following are some of the common types of foundation :-

         i) Isolated footings.
                (a) Square footings.
                (b) Rectangular footings.
                (c) Circular footings.

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